This section is dedicated to one of the X-men's most iconic vixens, Emma Frost. In the annuls of Marvel comics, few women are more desirable. She's beautiful, she's smart, she's rich, and she's independant. She's also abrasive, tough, and strong. In the history of the X-men, she's been on the side of the X-men and their enemies. She's also been involved in some of the X-men's most well-known dramas, namely her romance with Cyclops. But whatever side she's on, she's always been her own queen. She's not afraid to use her telepathy, her diamond hard shell, or her sexuality to get what she wants. It's part of what makes her one of Marvel's sexiest women and as such this section is dedicated to undeniable toughness and sex appeal of Emma Frost. Many of these images are courtesy of the fine artists at ComicConArt, DeviantArt, and ComicVine. Enjoy!