This section is a collection of official commissions for X-men Supreme. Just like the title art that graces my homepage, I am not content to just use words to make my series. I want some visual depictions to go along with it. Since I can't draw very well, I have commissioned artists who are kind enough to dedicate their time and talent in exchange for my hard earned money. I'm determined enough to make this series special that I will dig into my own pockets to add something that will make this series even more awesome. Full credit and praise goes to the artists. They are the ones who deserve the accolades, not me. Thanks guys! And if you're an artist looking to contribute to X-men Supreme, please contact me and we'll make a deal. Thanks again and enjoy!

This image is from X-men Supreme Issue 1: Generation X. The art is courtesy of the very generous and very talented Brian Brinlee. You can see more of his work here at his Deviant Art Page. Thank you, Brian!

This issue is the same scan as above, but made into an marvel cover. I did say I wanted X-men Supreme to cary itself as a real comic book and this is probably the closest I'll get to a real cover. It came courtesy of a very good friend of mine, Agent-G. Thanks a lot, G! You rock man!

This image is from X-men Supreme Issue 2: Enter the Wolverine. It is the second panel for this series. The art is once again courtesy of the very generous and very talented Brian Brinlee. He was nice enough to offer even more of his talent to this series. You can see more of his work here at his Deviant Art Page. Thank you, Brian!

This image is from X-men Supreme Issue 3: Competition. It is the third panel for this series and is another product of the generous and talented Brian Brinlee. He was nice enough to offer yet another piece. This one was even more of a challenge than before because to this point I have not had a picture of Magneto, Mystique, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch. He was able to take what I wrote and translate it perfectly into a beautiful piece. For this I can only bow before his awesomeness and thank him for his contribution. The image is now posted within the contents of Issue 3. You can see more of Brian's work here at his Deviant Art Page. Thank you, Brian!

This piece is from a new contributer to X-men Supreme, John W. He has been keeping up with this series and was generous enough to contribute this panel from X-men Supreme Issue 13: Bedazzled. It details the end scene where Cyclops and Rogue share their first kiss, a very emotional and powerful scene indeed. A while back I posted a request from anybody who was willing to contribute art to X-men Supreme and John W was among the few who responded. His work is a wonderful contribution to the series and he has my sincere gratitude. For more of John W's artwork please check out his work here at his DeviantArt profile. Thanks again John!

This piece is a scene from X-men Supreme Issue 1: Generation X and was drawn by two very talented artists, Dinko Kundalic and Damir Kundalic. It details Wolverine just before he escaped from Weapon X. It marks his first scene in X-men Supreme and would later lead him to cross paths with the X-men. For this, I thank Dinko for his gritty depiction that perfectly captures Wolverine's persona. For more of his amazing work you can check it out here at their DeviantArt profile.

This piece is a scene from X-men Supreme Issue 6: Rogue Recruit and comes courtesy of two very talented artists, Dinko Kundalic and Damir Kundalic. It details Cyclops, Marvel Gir, and Wolverine taking on the rebellious Rogue while she's struggling to control her powers. This was an action-packed scene where she just absorbed Storm's powers and was causing all sorts of trouble. It's a richly colored piece that really demonstrates Rogue's power. For more of Dinko's amazing work you can check it out here at his DeviantArt profile.

This image is a scene from X-men Supreme Issue 14: Underworld Part 1 and comes courtesy of the talented duo, Dinko Kundalic and Damir Kundalic. It details the scene where Cyclops and Rogue confront the Morlocks on their date, specifically when Cyclops takes on Callisto. It's a nice snippet of the action and one of my favorite scenes from Volume 1. Thanks again to Dinko and Damir! You can see more of their amazing work here at his DeviantArt profile.

This pic is a scene from X-men Supreme Issue 16 Pryde and Prejudice and comes courtesy once again of Dinko Kundalic and Damir Kundalic. It is the first image of Kitty Pryde in X-men Supreme and I like the style they gave her. This is that first fateful moment when she crossed paths with the X-men, being rescued by Angel during her battle with the sentinel prototype. Once again, Dinko and Damir come through! You can see more of their amazing work here at his DeviantArt profile.

This epic image is a scene from X-men Supreme Issue 19 Uprising Part 3 and another masterful work of Dinko Kundalic and Damir Kundalic. It was a big moment in Volume 1. Magneto had taken over the sentinels from Cameron Hodge and was prepared to use them as his personal army with which to overthrow humanity. It was a defining moment for X-men Supreme and Dinko and Damir captured it perfectly! You can check out more of their amazing work here at his DeviantArt profile.

This action-packed image is from X-men Supreme Issue 4: Growing Ranks. It is the forth panel courtesy of the exceedingly talented Brian Brinlee. Once again he astonishes with his uncanny knack for fleshing out a scene. This one had so many characters from the Brotherhood and X-men alike. A few new faces who have never been shown before in a picture make their debut. Toad, Blob, and Pyro get to share the spotlight with Magneto while Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Wolverine, Beast, and Storm struggle with the rougher part of heroics. Brian took what was a pretty chaotic scene and turned it into something truly special. For this I offer him my sincere gratitude and thank him for making X-men Supreme that much more awesome! You can see more of Brian's work here at his Deviant Art Page. Thank you, Brian!

This romantic moment image is from X-men Supreme Issue 5: Schoolyard Drama. It is the fifth panel from the generous and brilliant Brian Brinlee. I'm really glad he did this scene because it covered a major element to Volume 1. The relationship between Marvel Girl and Wolverine is one of the primary relationships of the first volume and is also one of the most famous pairings in X-men. Here, there's nothing unrequited or unspoken about it. Poor Cyclops is left reeling and his role in this relationship plays out in a big way. There's only the raw primal passion that these two characters share! Brian did a wonderful job with this and it counts as one of my favorite commissions thus far. As always I offer him my sincere gratitude for making X-men Supreme a sight to behold! You can see more of Brian's work here at his Deviant Art Page. Thank you, Brian!

This graphic yet awesome image is from X-men Supreme Issue 7: Mother Knows Best. It is the sixth panel from Brian Brinlee, who continues to contribute to X-men Supreme in so many amazing ways. He really stepped up his game with this one. This was the beginning of quite a scuffle between Mystique and the X-men. It all started with a bullet to the eye for Wolverine. All the while Rogue is left to watch helplessly. She doesn't stay that way in this battle, but it all begins here! I'm very pleased with how this turned out and once again X-men Supreme owes a debt of gratitude to Brian Brinlee. He continues to outdo himself with these masterful pieces! If you want to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thank you, Brian!

This special image from X-men Supreme Issue 8: Off Night Part 1. It is yet another amazing panel from Brian Brinlee, who once again graces the X-men Supreme fanfiction series with his talent. He demonstrates some wonderful ambience in this scene. It covers a date between Iceman and his girlfriend, Lorna, that turns ugly when Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch show up. They end up fighting for the chance to deliver an ominous message to Lorna, who ends up playing a major role later on in Volume 1! I love how Brian Brinlee is always able to bring these moments to life and as always X-men Supreme owes him a debt of gratitude. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thank you, Brian!

This image from X-men Supreme Issue 9: Off Night Part 2 directly follows from the previous image from the previous issue. It is another wonderful piece from Brian Brinlee, who continues to add to the awesome of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series with his talent. He took the battle that began from the previous scene and captured the turning point in this image. While on a date with his girlfriend, Lorna, Iceman was attacked by Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. He ended up calling Angel for help and he arrived just in time to take the Scarlet Witch out of the battle before she could complete her mission. As always Brian Brinlee captures the action of the moment and helps the characters of X-men Supreme shine. For that, he has my eternal thanks. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This image is from X-men Supreme Issue 10: Revenge of Weapon X Part 1 and captures one of the most action packed moments in the series to date. It is another amazing contribution from Brian Brinlee, who beautifies the X-men Supreme fanfiction series as always with his talent. This scene covers the surprise attack launched by General John Wraith and Weapon X in the Revenge of Weapon X arc. He and his Weapon X forces stormed the Xavier Institute. The X-men fought back, but the big turning point was right here when one of the Weapon X soldiers shot Storm. It was a pivotal moment that ended with Beast being horrified and the X-men being captured. As always Brian Brinlee captures the action and drama of the moment and helps the characters of X-men Supreme shine. For that, he has my complete admiration and thanks. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This is a glorious image is from X-men Supreme Issue 11: Revenge of Weapon X Part 2 and depicts one of the most pivotal scenes in the issue. It is yet another amazing contribution from Brian Brinlee, who has brought life to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series in a way that defies description. This scene shows the confrontation between General John Wraith and Professor Xavier. In this scene the two men have an important conversation that will later have a huge impact on how the arc plays out. Wraith offers his justification for Weapon X. Professor Xavier holds firm. It's a great scene and a powerful moment in X-men Supreme. As always Brian Brinlee does a fantastic job making X-men Supreme shine. For that, he has my full gratitude and respect. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This image was submitted by a very generous fan named Kyrie. She was generous enough to provide supportive feedback for X-men Supreme and she felt this fanfiction series needed a new logo. So here it is! Thanks Kyrie! X-men Supreme is in your debt!

This is a powerful piece of visual awesome is from X-men Supreme Issue 12: Revenge of Weapon X Part 3 and covers one of the most action-packed moments of the issue. Once gain, Brian Brinlee has brought life to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series in a way that astonishes on all levels. In the final issue of the Revenge of Weapon X arc, the X-men were aided by an unexpected ally in Magneto. The master of magnetism storms into the heart of Weapon X and helps the X-men escape the clutches of Sabretooth and General Wraith. It's a great scene that demonstrates Magneto's power in a big way. Once again, Brian Brinlee does a fantastic job making X-men Supreme all the more awesome. For that, thank him from the bottom of my heart. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This is a ominous yet fitting piece is another contribution from X-men Supreme Issue 15: Underworld Part 2 and sets the stage for the conflict that would unfold between the Cyclops and the Morlocks. It set the trap for which the rest of the X-men would eventually trigger. It also demonstrated the conflict within the Morlocks between Marrow, Callisto, and Healer. This militant group of mutants aren't afraid to take chances and the X-men were once again caught up in their affairs. As always, Brian Brinlee does a wonderful job capturing the impact of this moment. The X-men Supreme fanfiction series is more awesome because of it. For that, thank him from the bottom of my heart. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This is powerful and epic commission is taken from the beginning scene of X-men Supreme Issue 17: Uprising Part 1 and sets the stage for the biggest and final arc of X-men Supreme Volume 1: Mutant Revolution. This image depicts the first shot fired in the Uprising story. As part of Magneto's ultimate plan for mutant kind, he unleashes his Brotherhood of Mutants against the Genosha embassy. It set into motion the events that would define the first volume of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. As always, Brian Brinlee outdoes himself. He didn't just depict the destruction wonderfully. He puts his own twist on the appearance of characters like Pyro, Quicksilver, and Avalanche. It's an amazing moment and I'm honored that Brian Brinlee has contributed such a great commission to this series. For this, I cannot thank him enough. If you wish to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

These are a couple of very special images from a very special scene in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. It takes place in Issue 34: Sinister Intent Part 3. It highlights the passion of the moment between Cyclops and Jean Grey as they finally came clean with their feelings for one another. It was a moment that had been building for much of this fanfiction series. It was an important moment so I wanted to commission some art to commemorate this scene. I enlisted the services of a very talented artist from DeviantArt named Blumoonx06x. She's done some amazing work with X-men characters. I know I only used one image in the issue itself, but Blumoonx06x was nice enough to provide me with two! For this, I deeply thank her for lending her talent to X-men Supreme! This turned out wonderfully! To see more of Blumoonx06x art please check out her DeviantArt page. Thanks Blumoonx06x!

This is insightful yet important image is taken from a tense scene in X-men Supreme Issue 18: Uprising Part 2 and covers a very dramatic moment in X-men Supreme Volume 1: Mutant Revolution. This image depicts Beast consulting with his secret online friend, Tessa. It comes at a very awkward time because as the X-men are departing for Genosha, Magneto is in the process of unleashing his grand plan for mutant kind. This moment is a turning point for the relaationship between Beast and Storm. There wasn't much tension between them before Beast started talking with Tessa. It took on a much bigger issue during X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers. It's not packed with action as with previous commissions. However, Brian Brinlee is still able to capture the essance of this moment. He demonstrates his uncanny ability to craft scenes of many varieties. X-men Supreme couldn't ask for a better artist to bring life to this moment. If you want to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This is epic moment by Brian Brinlee is taken from the biggest moment of X-men Supreme Volume 1: Mutant Revolution. It takes place in Issue 20: Uprising Part 4 and covers the the climactic clash between the X-men and the Brotherhood. It takes place thousands of miles above the skies of Genosha. Magneto is on the verge of unleashing an onslaught of sentinels upon mankind. Just as he was about to begin his attack, Wolverine showed up and stopped him. It was a powerful moment where the X-men helped bring the world back from the brink of a human/mutant war. It was the culmination of so many events and I think Brian Brinlee once again did an amzing job! He's brought life to nearly every issue in X-men Supreme Volume 1: Mutant Revolution and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. He demonstrates his amazing ability to capture the power of this scene. X-men Supreme is eternally in his debt! If you want to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian!

This friendly moment is from a new contributor to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series, MarvelWriter03. It takes place in X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers. It takes place in Issue 28: Cajun Chaos Part 2 and marks the beginning of a very important friendship within the X-men. In the issue, Gambit and Rogue were abducted by the Thieves Guild in a ploy to bargain with the Assassins Guild. While Gambit endured some rough treatment, he was still able to share his story with Rogue. From that moment, they made a connection that has since become one of the most important in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. I can't thank MarvelWriter03 enough for taking the time to craft such a contribution. He's been a loyal follower of this series for quite some time and he writes his own work on Fanfiction.net. He has a big and exciting story called The Marvelous Spider-Man. So if you're a Spider-Man fan, it's definitely worth checking out! You can see his profile right here. Thank you, MarvelWriter03! I X-men Supreme is more awesome because of you!

This is tragic scene is another masterpiece by Brian Brinlee. It caps off the final issue of X-men Supreme Volume 1: Mutant Revolution in a profound way. Issue 21: Chasing a Memory was one of the most pivotal moments in this fanfiction series thus far and it isn't just because it was the last issue of the first volume. In this issue, Wolverine discovered a horrific secret about his past. It involved a woman named Rose. She was someone he loved a great deal. He didn't remember her, but Jean Grey's close resemblence to Rose triggered the memories. Then Sabretooth revealed the horrible truth. He had been the one that killed her. It was a major turning point for Wolverine and for the X-men! It was one of my favorite moments in X-men Supreme and I think Brian Brinlee chose a perfect scene to cap off Volume 1: Mutant Revolution! Thanks in large part to him, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series has a commission in every issue for Volume 1: Mutant Revolution. I couldn't be happier with it and I owe Brian my deepest thanks for making X-men Supreme all the more awesome! If you want to see more of his amazing work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

This stunning picture is another generous contribution from, MarvelWriter03. It doesn't take place during any particular issue or story. It's just a nice, solid depiction of X-men Supreme's version of Nightcrawler. One of the biggest challenges I face with this fanfiction series is describing characters in a way that sets them apart from their comic and cartoon counterparts. MarvelWriter03 took my vision and turned it into a stunning image! He still looks like Nightcrawler, but there are some subtle differences to set him apart. The symbols around his uniform help reflect his history with the mystic arts and the Azazel. It's a unique twist that I think really brings out Nightcrawler's persona and I can't thank MarvelWriter03 enough for taking the time to do this. He's been a loyal follower of this series and he writes great stuff on Fanfiction.net. He has a big and exciting story called The Marvelous Spider-Man. If you're a Spider-Man fan, it's definitely worth checking out! You can see his profile right here. Thank you, MarvelWriter03! I X-men Supreme owes you big time!

This is scenic moment is a fresh piece of awesome from Brian Brinlee. It is his first commission for X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers. It begins with the very first scene in the very first issue of the volume, Issue 22: Family and Fiends. This scene introduced Nightcrawler to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. In this series he has quite a different background. His parents, Mystique and Azazel, were much greater influences on his life. Through circumstances outside of his control, he ended up living an isolated life on a farm owned by Amanda and Margali Sefton. It's a story that is still unfolding in the pages of X-men Supreme. Brian not only captured the perfect design for Nightcrawler and Amanda. He did a killer sunrise as well! Once again, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series has a commission that further enhances the awesome of X-men. I can't thank Brian enough for his contributions towards X-men Supreme! If you want to see more of his amazing work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

This beautiful picture is a fresh piece from my good friend, MarvelWriter03. It's another depiction of an X-men character with an exclusive X-men Supreme style. This time, he's chosen Shadowcat as his focus and I think he did a great job of bringing her to life! Not every character that has shown up in X-men Supreme has been brought to life with artwork yet. I'm always astonished at how MarvelWriter03 is able to take my descrptions and make these beautiful images. Shadowcat is fan favorite for many. She's had a very diverse range of styles over the years. I think MarvelWriter03 did a fantastic job mixing some Ultimate elements with a touch of X-men Evolution and the comics. She has a somewhat more mature look to her than the cartoons have shown, which I think fits nicely with the tone of this fanfiction series. Once again, I applaud MarvelWriter03 for taking the time to do something like this. He's been a great friend and a loyal follower of this series and he writes great stuff on Fanfiction.net. He has a big and exciting story called The Marvelous Spider-Man. If you're a Spider-Man fan, it's definitely worth checking out! You can see his profile right here. Thank you, MarvelWriter03! I X-men Supreme owes you big time!

This is action-packed moment is a fresh commission of awesome from Brian Brinlee. Continuing his work on the first arc of X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers, he captures one of the most action-packed moments from Issue 23: Family and Fiends Part 2. In this issue, Nightcrawler is forced to break into Worthington Industries to steal plans for the captured Sentinel technology. If he doesn't, his girlfriend Amanda Sefton and her mother will suffer. So in a moment inspired by X2: X-men United, he demonstrates the full force of his teleportation power as he taked won the guards and breaks into the Worthington Industries compound. It was a difficult order, showing Nightcrawler utilizing his powers in such a way. But Brian Brinlee pulled it off as he so often does! As always, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is that much more awesome thanks to Mr. Brinlee's work. I can't thank Brian enough for his dedication to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to see more of his amazing work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

This is action-packed scene is another quality commission from X-men Supreme's most reliable artist, Brian Brinlee. Adding to his work on the first arc of X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers, he captures a powerful flashback from Issue 24: Family and Fiends Part 3. In this issue, Nightcrawler is reflecting on his past before he joined the X-men. That past included an encounter with the ever popular and ever dangerous Deadpool. In an ill-fated effort to confront the people he thought were responsible for his father's demise, he fought Deadpool to a stand-still. It did not work out as he planned, but the effects of this battle had far-reaching implications for Nightcrawler's future. As always, Brian Brinlee creates an amazing scene in uncanny detail. As always, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is in Mr. Brinlee's debt. I can't thank Brian enough for his dedication to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

This incredible scene is the latest commission from Brian Brinlee. Once again, he lends his talent and his colors to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. This scene is another important moment from X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers. It was the big climax of Issue 25: Power Play. This issue takes place on the volatile island of Genosha, a country that Magneto turned into a world of chaos back in the Uprising arc. While the master of magnetism is in prison, Quicksilver got into a heated disagreement with his sister, the Scarlet Witch. That disagreement became heated on a quite literal level when Quicksilver enlisted help from Fabian Cortez and a local mutant, Rusty Collins. I think Brian captured the spectacle of this moment in all the right ways. It shows the sibling dynamics between these two characters and hints at the role it will play later on in this fanfiction series. As always, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is indebted to Mr. Brinlee. I can't thank him enough for his work on the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to see more of his talent, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

This amazing picture is a submission from my good friend, MarvelWriter03. Once agian, he was nice enough to take the time to take a classic X-men character and give him a special X-men Supreme style look. This time, it's Angel. He's the only X-men that still wears a mask and I've always had a hard time depicting him. I think MarvelWriter03 did an excellent job of capturing his style. He's really gone out of his way to make these characters I work so hard on feel unique. For someone to take that kind of time for my humble fanfiction series, it's truly an honor! Once again, I applaud MarvelWriter03 for doing this. He's been a wonderful friend and a loyal follower of this series and he writes great stuff on Fanfiction.net. He has a story called The Marvelous Spider-Man. If you're a Spider-Man fan, it's definitely worth checking out! You can see his profile right here. Thank you, MarvelWriter03! I X-men Supreme owes you yet again!

Once again, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series has been graced by a commission from Brian Brinlee. In this latest scene, he didn't just depict an important moment in the issue. He presented a depiction of a character making his X-men Supreme debut, namely Colossus. It was one of the more subtle moments from X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers. It takes place in Issue 26: The Ties That Terrorize. In this issue, the X-men were investigating a potential source for the recent theft of Sentinel components. It led Cyclops, Wolverine, and Angel to cross paths with Colossus, a strong-armed mutant that worked for the Russian Mafia. The encounter didn't yield any clues as to who was behind the thefts, but it did introduce Piotr Rasputin to the world of X-men Supreme in a major way and it allowed him to show off his uncanny strength and lovable Russian farm boy persona. I think Brian depicted Colossus just right within the context of the issue. It shows that Colossus may not be an X-man just yet, but he can hold his own against Wolverine. Once again, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is indebted to Mr. Brinlee. I can't thank him enough for his work on this and every other commission he's done for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to see more of his talent, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

Brian Brinlee has done it again. He has provided the X-men Supreme fanfiction series with another amazing commission. In this latest scene, he offers a depiction of the first major appearance of Remy Lebeau, aka Gambit. He entered the X-men Supreme fanfiction series in a pretty volatile way, starting a bar fight and getting attacked by agents of the Assassins Guild. It was a great moment from X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers. It takes place in Issue 27: Cajun Chaos Part 1. In this issue, a new conflict emerged in New Orleans which led the X-men to cross paths with everyone's favorite red-eyed Cajun. His entrance into the X-men Supreme fanfiction series was an important shift as the X-men investigate a break in the case of Sentinel component thefts. I think Brian depicted Gambit in a believable yet unique way. All too often I've seen him depicted as too scrappy. He's supposed to be a heart-breaking ladies man! He should be a pretty boy on some levels. Once again, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is better thanks to Mr. Brinlee. I can't thank him enough for his work on this and every other commission he's done for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

Brian Brinlee is back with more contributions to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. Once again, he has crafted another amazing commission. In this latest scene, the battle against the X-men, the Thieves Guild, and the Assassins Guild came to a head in the pages of Issue 29: Cajun Chaos Part 2. In this battle, the X-men were fighting to save Gambit as he was set to become a bargaining chip for the Thieves Guild. The X-men wouldn't have it and as the battle unfolded, Storm made sure the Thieves and the Assassins didn't stand a chance. It's not the first time Storm has shined in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series and you can be certain that it won't be the last. As he's done in other commissions, Mr. Brinlee has done a great job of capturing Storm's majesty and power. She's one of the most powerful and celebrated X-woman for a reason. I think he did a wonderful job of showing the Thieves Guild and the Assassins Guild that they stand little chance against the forces of nature. As always, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is indebed to Mr. Brinlee. I sincerley thank him for his work on this and every other commission he's done for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to check out more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

It's coming! That was the tagline for Marvel when the Phoenix Force returned to Earth in the pages of Avengers vs. X-men. Well it's finally here in the pages of X-men Supreme! The Phoenix Saga has arrived! I already indicated as such at the end of Issue 62: Partners In Madness Part 2. I've been teasing it even longer since the end of X-men Supreme Volume 2: Ashes of Hope. Well the teasing is done! The Phoenix Force is here and as such I've enlisted the talented services of Brian Brinlee to bring the X-men Supreme fanfiction series to life. From the very beginning, I wanted X-men Supreme to have a unique feel. That includes costumes and appearances. He's already shown he can bring those designs to life with the uniforms. Now he's done it again with the Phoenix Force! We both discussed the design in great detail. Overall, I think he's done a great job of giving Jean Grey a unique look that is distinct. Once again, the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is indebted to Mr. Brinlee. I can't thank him enough for his work on this and every other commission he's done for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! But this one is definitely special, if only because it brings to life a profound element of the X-men mythos in a new way. If you want to see more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

Since the X-men Supreme Phoenix Saga began, I received a great deal of feedback for Brian Brinlee's commission for Jean Grey in her Phoenix costume. I feel it has been a fitting cover to this momentous event in the history of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. As such, I seek to take a page right out of Marvel's playbook and include variant covers for this event. Anyone who has ever followed a big event for Marvel, DC, or any comic company knows that variant covers are quite common. When I posted Issue 63: The Phoenix Saga Part 1, I encouraged anyone who is artistically inclined or skilled in Photoshop to make their own tweaks. Well I'm happy to say that someone took up the challenge! A friend from a comic book message board named Constance provided this variant of Brian Brinlee's commission. It's simple, but I think it adds something different to the mix.Thanks Constance! I deeply appreciate it. I hope you're not the last to provide a variant. The more artwork that can be added to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series, the better!

Brian Brinlee is at it again by applying his amazing talent to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. He's provided X-men Supreme with yet another amazing commission. This latest scene depicts one of the most iconic X-men villains, Juggernaut. He made his debut in X-men Supreme in Issue 30: The Unstoppable Juggernaut where he proved himself worthy of the name, attacking the X-men in a battle that nearly leveled a city. He's had a pretty extensive history in Marvel comics. I switched a few details up in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series, but I felt I captured the nature of Juggernaut in this series and I think Mr. Brinlee captured the raw power of his character in this piece. As always, I sincerley thank him for his work on this and every other commission he's done for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! He really does an amazing job bringing this story to life. If you wish to check out more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

This special panel is actually something I commissioned well over a year ago. I knew at some point I was going to do an official X-men Supreme Phoenix Saga and I also knew that it was going to end with this very special moment between Cyclops and Jean Grey. As such, I commissioned a piece a head of time that I hoped to include whenever I got around to finishing this epic part of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. The artist behind it, Fabio, is the same artist behind the official title picture that graces the top part of the X-men Supreme homepage. I can't thank him or the fine folks at ComicConArt enough for making this picture truly special. I feel it perfectly captures the dramatic conclusion to the X-men Supreme Phoenix Saga in X-men Supreme Issue 68: The Phoenix Saga Part 6. The Phoenix Saga was a very big moment for Cyclops and Jean Grey in the Uncanny X-men comics under Chris Claremont. As such, it was a big moment for them both in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series and this image nicely demonstrates why!

My old pal, Brian Brinlee, has done it again and contributed yet another piece to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. And this latest commission is very special in the scope of X-men Supreme because it marks a very important moment for Cyclops and Jean Grey. This scene was actually a flashback within the pages of Issue 31: Memory Musings when Thunderbird recalled his past experiences with the X-men over a hard drink with Wolverine. It described a younger Cyclops and Jean Grey fighting for their lives in the Savage Lands, the inhospitable Jurassic wasteland that tests even the most hardened heroes. It wasn't just a struggle. It was the beginning of a major change in their relationship, which would eventually culminate with the romance that would become so epic within the annuls of the X-men mythos. I think Mr. Brinlee captured the raw abience of the Savage Land nicely in this piece and helped set the tone for what Cyclops and Jean Grey would have to endure in order to survive. Once again, I sincerley thank him for his work and all the life he's brought to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you wish to check out more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

The top artist of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series, Brian Brinlee, has once again contributed another beautiful commission. He's always had a knack for taking the numerous action scenes of X-men Supreme and bringing them to life. One of the more memorable action scenes of X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers was the sudden attack in Issue 32: Sinister Intent on the Xavier Institute using a special Sentinel he build from parts that the Brotherhood of Mutants stole. This attack gave an ominous conclusion to a mystery that began in the pages of Issue 26: The Ties That Terrorize. It was the first strike by the devious Mr. Sinister, a villain that the X-men would face many times in the future and who has since had a significant impact on the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. And true to his form, Sinister always likes ot add a personal touch to his plans. That's why I thought the design of the Sentinel that Mr. Brinlee did was so great. In fact, I think it is one of his best to date because not only did he capture the design of the sentinel, but he also captured the moment in the battle when Shadowcat attempted to phase through the Sentinel and failed. It's a difficult scene to depict, but I tink he nailed it! Once again, I sincerley thank him for contributing his work and to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you wish to check out more of his work, please check out Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

My old friend, Brian Brinlee, has submitted yet another commission to help improve the overall awesome of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. Whereas his previous commission demonstrated his knack for action, this latest commission shows that he can capture moments of drama and horror just as beautifully. By far one of the most dramatic scenes in X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers was the the introduction of Mr. Sinister. While he had been working behind the scenes in previous issues, he finally made his devilish presence known to the X-men in Issue 33: Sinister Intent Part 2 when he confronted Cyclops and Jean Grey, whom he had abducted with Rogue in the previous issue. This moment set the stage for Sinister becoming a major threat to the X-men and a powerful force in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. He has always been a very devious character with a very powerful presence. And I think Mr. Brinlee captured that presence perfectly! The moment where Cyclops and Jean Grey wake up was Sinister's big entrance. It marked the first, but most certainly not the last time he would use the X-men for his devious plans. And I certainly hope Mr. Brinlee continues to capture Sinister's macabre mystique as this fanfiction series unfolds! As always, I sincerely thank him for contributing to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series! If you want to check out more of his work, please do so at Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

Every now and then, a very generous reader of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series comes along that astonishes me with their dedication and support. Well recently, I met such a reader who went through the trouble of reviewing EVERY issue of X-men Supreme on Fanfiction.net and is now one of my best supporters. And if that weren't enough, this wonderful supporter took the time to craft this wonderful piece of artwork to contribute to X-men Supreme. It's a piece that involves more characters than I've had in any other picture to date. For this, I am truly grateful. The name of the artist and this wonderful reviewer is warfolomei, who had help from a number of friends on this piece. Thank you warfolomei and all those who helped him, including colors by Alexandra Shpiro! The X-men Supreme fanfiction series deeply appreciates your support and your contribution!

My good friend, Brian Brinlee, has submitted another wonderful commission for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. All his commissioners are awesome, but this one presented a particular challenge. It took place in X-men Supreme Issue 35: War Crimes and introduced Exodus, a mysterious character in this fanfiction series and a rather colorful, albeit overpowered character in the comics. Exodus is one of those characters that has never been thoroughly explored in the comics and is basically a walking cliche. I didn't want to do that with X-men Supreme. I wanted to make him more human and more distinct. So after numerous conversations with Mr. Brinlee, this was the end result and I think it works. In my fanfiction series, Exodus is still a mystery. However, he's a very powerful mystery. He looks like a man who has seen his share of conflict and in this scene, he makes his big entrance into the world of X-men Supreme. It's his first appearance, but by no means his last! As always, I sincerely thank Mr. Brinlee for taking the time to bring the X-men Supreme fanfiction series to life. I hope he continues to contribute and if anyone wishes to check out more of his work, please do so at Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

X-men Supreme's de facto artist, Brian Brinlee, has done it again with his latest commission for the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. Of all the characters he has drawn for this fanfiction series, I think it's extra special when he draws fan-favorite characters like Deadpool. He's one of those few characters that I really didn't change much when I brought him into X-men Supreme and why not? He's already so entertaining in the comics and I wanted to capture that here. And while he did show up earlier in this series, his first major arc in X-men Supreme was X-men Supreme Issue 36: Deadpool Part 1. In this arc, he showed that while he may be mentally unstable, he's a remarkably effective mercenary. He was hired to abduct Nightcrawler's girlfriend, Amanda Sefton. It turned out to be messier than he expected, but it made for some nice moments that I think Mr. Brinlee captured well in this piece. As always, I thank Mr. Brinlee for taking the time to bring an entertaining moment from the X-men Supreme fanfiction series to life. I hope he continues to contribute and if anyone wishes to check out more of his work, please do so at Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

The X-men Supreme fanfiction series has benefitted from the contributions of Brian Brinlee for a long time now and once again, he has made yet another contribution to X-men Supreme. Once again, he has captured one of the more memorable scenes from X-men Supreme Volume 2: War Powers, most notably a rather brutal scene featuring Deadpool and Wolverine in X-men Supreme Issue 37: Deadpool Part 2. I feel like Deadpool always adds a certain level of entertainment value to any form of X-men, but he's also a pretty tenacious fighter. He may be crazy, but he's also skilled. He was able to abduct Amanda Sefton and her mother. He was also able to seriously wound Wolverine. In the end Wolverine required help from Cyclops and Storm to beat him, making for a moment that would leave Wolverine sore and in need of more answers. I think Mr. Brinlee did a great job capturing the viseral nature of this scene and once again, I thank Mr. Brinlee for taking the time to bring a agreat moment from the X-men Supreme fanfiction series to life. I hope he continues to contribute and if anyone wishes to check out more of his work, please do so at Brian's Deviant Art Page right here. Thanks again, Brian! Excelsior!

In the course of writing the X-men Supreme fanfiction series, I've met a few wonderful people. And sometimes, I meet them in unexpected ways. A while back, I wrote a little side-story called More Than Just a Hug. And in doing so, I came across an artist named Jack Crowder. He's a talented artist who I exchanged a few emails with. In doing so, we struck up a friendship and he offered to do a commission for X-men Supreme. And the end result was this nice piece here depicting my two original characters, General Grimshaw and Captain Jack Freeman. These two characters have become an important part of this fanfiction series and they have played an instrumental role in X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear. And I think Mr. Crowder did an excellent job bring them to life. Unlike other characters in X-men Supreme, these two can't be found anywhere else except for this fanfiction series. So I can't thank him enough for bringing them to life. And I highly recommend that everybody check out his work. Here is a link to his Deviant Art page. Thank you, Mr. Crowder! X-men Supreme is more awesome because of you.

My new friend, Jack Crowder, works quickly and effeciently. In short order, he has already contributed another wonderful piece to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series. There are any number of characters that stand out, but few characters stand out more than Emma Frost. Some of those reasons are obvious, but in X-men Supreme I like to think I've given her more. This scene was taken right from a moment in X-men Supreme Issue 65: The Phoenix Saga Part 3. It marked Emma Frost's return to the Xavier Institute, albeit under false pretenses. She wore her X-men uniform, which Mr. Crowder did a great job helping me determine. Emma has her own style and I didn't want to deviate from it. Once again, I thank my new friend for his amazing work and for bringing Emma Frost to life in her first scene in X-men Supreme. If you like what you see, here is a link to Jack Crowder's Deviant Art page. Thank you, Mr. Crowder! X-men Supreme is indebted to your talent.

X-men Supreme's hardest working artist, Jack Crowder, has done it again. He has used his uncanny artistic talent to bring more of the Uncanny X-men to life in this fanfiction series. This time, he took a simple scene from a quiet moment that took place with Nightcrawler in his Supreme Reflections entry. Nightcrawler has always had a special kind of charisma in the annuls of X-men and I gave that charisma a new twist in X-men Supreme. The nature of his life is nicely documented in Supreme Reflections and now it's nicely depicted in this beautiful piece. If you would like to see more art of this quality, here is a link to Jack Crowder's Deviant Art page. Thank you, Mr. Crowder! You help make X-men Supreme more awesome with each contribution.

X-men Supreme has been going for nearly five years now and in that time, it has gained its share of fans. And one of those fans, Callum, was passionate enough to submit this little drawing of Storm. She has sent some very kind feedback, the kind I beg for on a weekly basis whenever I update. She's the kind of reader that helps inspire me to make this fanfiction series as awesome as it can possibly be. For that reason, I am very pleased to post this pic for her. She did it for free and I can't thank her enough for it. The X-men Supreme fanfiction series is more awesome because of it.

This piece is one I'm especially proud of. It comes courtesy of JPT-Mack Artwork, headed by a very talented artist named Mack. I met him at Baltimore Comic Con 2014. I told him about X-men Supreme and he was eager to contribute and I'm glad he did. I wanted him to bring to life one of the most pivotal scenes in the history of X-men Supreme. Of all the issues that have define X-men Supreme, The Phoenix Saga is by far the most epic. In the same way it had some of the biggest moments in the comics, it made for one of the biggest moments in X-men Supreme. This moment where Cyclops came rushing to Jean Grey's aid when she was on the brink of losing herself to Dark Phoenix was one of the most emotional moments of this fanfiction series. It's a moment that I think Mack did an excellent job bringing to life. Thank you, Mack! X-men Supreme is more awesome because of you.

This is another piece from JPT-Mack Artwork, courtesy of X-men Supreme's newest artist, Mack. It is the second page in a series detailing the most powerful scene from X-men Supreme Issue 68: The Phoenix Saga Part 6. It details that fateful moment when Jean Grey's control over the Phoenix Force descended to the point where it cost the life of her lover, Cyclops. It was that fateful moment that finally broke the darkness that had turned her into Dark Phoenix. It was by far one of the most emotional moments of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series and I think Mack did a fantastic job capturing the power of that moment. It's another great piece and one that continues to bring this powerful moment in X-men Supreme to life. Thanks again, Mack! Your ability to enhance the awesome of this fanfiction series is greatly appreciated.

Here is another amazing piece by my good friend, Mack, from JPT-Mack Artwork. This is the third page from the pivitol scene in X-men Supreme Issue 68: The Phoenix Saga Part 6. This is the fateful moment when Jean Grey's angst over the death of Cyclops turned into cosmic rage. It was a rage mixed with pain and one that drove the X-men to attack her in the last assult. It was a powerful moment where every emotion seemed to converge. Once again, Mack did justice to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series in the best possible way. Thanks Mack! X-men Supreme is more awesome because of you.

This is another remarkable piece of artwork from my good friend, Mack, from JPT-Mack Artwork. This is the fourth page from the tragic scene in X-men Supreme Issue 68: The Phoenix Saga Part 6. This is the moment when Jean Grey's decides to sacrifice herself rather than succumb to the hunger of the Phoenix Force. She just witnessed the death of Cyclops. It was such an emotional moment, leading the X-men who she loved dearly to attack her. That moment led to this tragic sacrifice, something that has become iconic in the history of the Phoenix Saga. Once again, Mack did justice to the X-men Supreme fanfiction series by capturing this moment and the emotions that make the Phoenix Saga great. Thanks again, Mack! |